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  “骏马计划”设A类(A1、A2、A3)岗位和B类(B1、B2)岗位,A 类岗位面向海内外高端人才,B类岗位面向海内外青年优秀拔尖人才。
  1. A1岗
  2. A2岗
  3. A3岗
  4. B1岗
  5. B2岗
  人事处网址:https:// rsc.imu.edu.cn/
  2024Inner Mongolia University Career Opportunities
  Inner Mongolia University (IMU) is located in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia University (IMU) is located in Hohhot, the capital city of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, a famous historic and cultural city. It takes only two hours to travel from Beijing to Hohhot by a high-speed train. As the first comprehensive university in China’s ethnic minority regions after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, IMU was established in 1957 with Mr. Ulanhu, the then-vice-premier of the State Council and the Governor of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, as the first President. IMU was approved to enroll postgraduate students in 1962, designated as a key university in China in 1978, authorized to confer doctoral degrees in 1984, included into Project 211 for the building of key universities in 1997, incorporated into the state program for building one high-level university in each of the provinces in the Mid-western Region in 2012, selected as one of the universities in China for First-Class Discipline Construction Initiative in 2017, selected for co-sponsorship by the Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2018, and chosen for the second round of the State’s Double First-Class Program in 2022.
  IMU has been building the team of its teaching staff as the first resource by comprehensively cultivating and facilitating the implementation of the strategies of high-level talents development and introducing talents and giving full play to their potentials. In the fourteenth Five-Year Plan IMU is committed to inputting more resources, providing more policy supports and further implementing the Steed Plan and the Plan for Introducing Young Academic Talents to offer over 700 full-time positions for academic leaders and young academic talents from home and abroad with first-class academic environment, welfare and career platform furnished.
  1. Posts and contact information
  1.1 Posts for Teaching and Scientific Research

  2. Qualification and Benefits
  Candidates should adhere to the correct political direction, advocate the leadership of the Communist Party of China, love their motherland, observe laws and disciplines, be upright in their daily behavior, pursue rigorous scholarship, and maintain strong dedication and sense of responsibility to their career. The candidates are expected to have innovative spirits, awareness of dedication, professional ethics, team spirit and physical fitness. Specific post requirements and benefits are as follows:
  2.1 Eligibility requirements and remunerations for talents under the Steed Plan
  The Steed Plan includes Post A positions (A1, A2, A3) for both leading talents and Post B positions (B1, B2) for top-notch young talents at home and abroad.
  2.1.1 Post A1 positions
  Eligibility requirements: Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and distinguished professors in the field of humanities and social sciences. The age is generally under 65.
  Basic remunerations: During the employment period at IMU, the pre-tax annual salary reaches 2.6 million RMB, the housing allowance is negotiable; and the scientific research and laboratory construction funds of the affiliated team are not less than 100 million RMB. We ensure the enrollment of doctoral students and postdoctoral talents during the employment period. Part-time arrangements are subject to discussion over each matter.
  2.1.2 Post A2 positions
  Eligibility requirements: Specially-appointed professors of the Changjiang Scholars Program, winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, leading talents of the National Special Support Program, the first winner of the second prize of three national awards, and professors of the first-class overseas universities or scientific research institutes. The age is generally under 55.
  Basic remunerations: During the employment period, the pre-tax annual salary ranges from 1 to 1.3 million RMB, and the housing allowance 2 million RMB. Research start-up funds include approximately 9 million RMB for experimental sciences and engineering, along with 3 million RMB for non-experimental sciences and engineering and humanities and social sciences. We ensure the enrollment of doctoral students and postdoctoral talents during the employment period.
  2.1.3 Post A3 positions
  Eligibility requirements: National-level young talents or outstanding top talents with the potential to grow into national-level talents within 3-5 years. For talents of science and engineering, the age is generally under 45; and for talents of humanities and social sciences, the age is generally under 50.
  Basic remunerations: During the employment, the pre-tax annual salary reaches 0.8 million RMB and housing allowance 1.3 million RMB. Research start-up funds include approximately 4.2 million RMB for experimental sciences and engineering, along with 1.4 million RMB for non-experimental sciences and engineering and humanities and social sciences. We ensure the enrollment of doctoral students and postdoctoral talents during the employment period.
  2.1.4 Post B1 positions
  Eligibility requirements: Scholars with doctoral degrees or post-doctoral backgrounds from well-known domestic or international universities or research institutes, who have published a series of research findings in top academic journals (for science and engineering) or AMI top / authoritative academic journals of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (for humanities and social sciences), and who have participated in national-level research projects or who have the ability to undertake national research projects with the potential to grow into national-level young talents. For talents of sciences and engineering, the age is generally under 40; and for talents of humanities and social sciences, the age is generally under 45.
  Basic remunerations: During the employment, the pre-tax annual salary reaches 0.4 million RMB, and housing allowance 1.1 million RMB. Research start-up funds include approximately 2.2 million RMB for experimental sciences and engineering, along with 0.7 million RMB for non-experimental sciences and engineering and humanities and social sciences. We ensure the enrollment of doctoral students and postdoctoral talents during the employment period.
  2.1.5 Post B2 positions
  Eligibility requirements: Scholars with doctoral degrees or post-doctoral backgrounds from well-known domestic or international universities or research institutes, who have publications in top academic journals (for science and engineering) or top/authoritative academic journals of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (for humanities and social sciences), with the ability to undertake national-level research projects and the potential to become national-level young talents. For talents of science and engineering, the age is generally under 35; and for talents of humanities and social sciences, the age is generally under 40.
  Basic remunerations: The pre-tax annual salary reaches 0.3 million RMB, and the housing allowance 1.1 million RMB. Research start-up funds include approximately 1.2 million RMB for experimental science and engineering, along with 0.6 million RMB for non-experimental science and engineering and humanities and social sciences.
  For the talents recruited for the above Post A and B positions, if the spouse needs to find employments, and the children need to study in kindergartens or primary and secondary schools, IMU will be responsible for the proper settlement of the relevant issues according to the relevant provisions of Measures for the Introduction and Flow of Talents in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
  2.2 Qualifications and benefits for young academic talents
  Qualifications: (1) scholars with outstanding education background, doctoral degrees conferred by renowned universities or scientific research institutes in China or from abroad or post-doctoral experiences, potentials for becoming outstanding academic talents, aged no older than 35 (inclusive) or 38 (inclusive) for particularly outstanding talents or fields in scarcity of talents. (2) scholars with capacity of grasping academic forefront fields, outstanding academic research capacity, outstanding academic achievements in their fields (with at least two high-level academic theses in their disciplines published while studying for their doctoral degrees or during their post-doctoral period or other research or service achievements of equivalent level), innovative vision for future research and the capacity and competence to undertake scientific research tasks of the country and produce high-level innovative achievements. (3) scholars in conformity with the requirements for qualifications stipulated by specific colleges for introducing young academic talents. (4) scholars with enthusiasm in higher education and capacity to teach undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  Basic benefits: Start-up research funds of RMB 0.25 million for experiment-based disciplines and RMB 0.15 million for non-experiment-based disciplines; housing allowance of RMB 0.3 million (pre-tax); Apart from the salaries, insurances, welfare benefits and various allowances as prescribed by relevant national regulations, an extra performance-based pay is offered for two years since the commencement of employment.distinguished doctors are encouraged to be recruited for post-doctoral programs to enjoy benefits to the highest standards.
  3. Procedure and Green Channel
  3.1 Procedure
  3.1.1 Applicants can either apply by themselves or be recommended by experts, and they are kindly requested to send their documents (including their resume) to specific college/institute/center, dial the contact number and meanwhile, CC to the Talents Affairs Office of IMU at rcb@imu.edu.cn and the Personnel Division of IMU at ndszk@imu.edu.cn, with emails entitled “talents recruitment+name of discipline+applicant’s name”.
  3.1.2 Based on preliminary review of the applicants’ materials, the specific colleges concerned will determine the list of applicants to enter the scope of the examination, and will examine and evaluate the applicants by means of interviews, academic defense, and course trial lectures. The ideological and political quality and study style (teacher’s ethics) of the applicants shall be inspected by means of archive examining, correspondence survey, interviewing, visits, etc. before the list of applicants to be employed and posts to be assigned is decided. IMU authorities will organize experts to evaluate the candidates to be introduced, and gives the list of the applicants to be introduced and evaluation opinions on the posts to be assigned. The IMU Party Committee will determine the list of talents to be introduced and the posts to be assigned based on the inspection opinions of the colleges concerned and the evaluation opinions of the IMU Board of Experts.
  3.2 Green Channel
  For special talents in urgent need, IMU will open up a green channel, and implement a differentiated and flexible talent policy of “individual policies for individual cases and individual talents” in terms of salary, scientific research start-up funds, housing allowance and scientific research conditions.
  3.3 Other matters
  3.3.1 Posts in this recruitment announcement are open throughout the year, and applications are welcome at any time.
  3.3.2 Contact information
  Personnel Division of IMU: https:// rsc.imu.edu.cn/
  Talents Affairs Office: https://rcb.imu.edu.cn/
  Official account: IMUrsrc
  Telephone: 0471-4993517, 0471-4992415

网络招聘:0471-6601328 6601340 现场招聘:0471-6928041 `6601324 Email:nmrckf@163.com 或 nmrckf@126.com

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